Tuesday, August 16, 2016


If ever it were possible to befriend the stars,
Then I can claim to have tasted friendship’s fire.

If ever it were possible to love a stranger,
Then I've long tied my heart to galaxies beyond my own.

If ever it were possible to belong in a place one had yet to find,
Then I can hope for a place for me in this infinite universe.

I have been a wanderer in my own life,
A stranger to my own self,
With only my dreams, my nightly dreams,
Whispering secrets to me about my inner world,
Through symbols I fathomed into meaning.

It is the stars I befriended,
Because they are way too far to burn me when they explode,
Their effusion much too small to my eyes to blind them.

And yet, and yet, and yet…

I find myself silently wishing,
When I witness the death of such a light,
That its loss can be replaced by a love that is returned;
(Because love can only be returned if it's close enough to touch).

But what I should wish,
When such a star fades,
Is that I shall have the courage to claim such a love,
And not run away in fear of burning...

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This World of Color

Fields of purple and yellow and white,
Commingle into one world of color.
Can you imagine that?
Seeing the waves of the ocean,
Simply by watching the wind's passage through the grass!

It is the inheritance of butterflies,
To fly in the fragrance of those collided colors.
And yet one certain butterfly,
Delicately painted,
Chooses me over the flowers continuously!
Never had I known before,
How friendship could be kindled,
In the absence of words.

I hold in my hand a bouquet,
Of shades of purple I had never met before.
I had never known flowers to be so lovable,
I had never known myself to be so capable of belonging.

I find myself,
In a world I had been taught to fear-
But no longer do the buzzing of the bees,
Nor the mysterious movers in the grass,
Nor the fury of the windblown trees,
Frighten me.
For now at last I feel,
How I belong to this world of unfaked words.

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