Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fading Stars

Sometimes my existence like a sighing darkness,
Droops over me as I lie awake.

I feel its every sigh, every memory it breathes onto me,
Like the unpleasant heat of summer.

The hours of the night stretch before me like an endless rode;
Is there no escape from their silence?

I cannot escape myself in that silence...the regrets, regrets, regrets;
I cannot escape into a pleasant dream. Any dream.

I cannot escape.

And then I see it - traces of light on the floorboards.
I feel it - warmth on my toes and then my feet.

My tired eyelids burn as I close them,
But through them I feel the light of the awakening sun,
Creeping in through the window that once revealed the stars to my daunted eyes;

The stars, which so oft I confided in,
While the world slept in stillness.

But now the stars begin to fade,
As the light of the sun, though solemnly delayed,
At last illuminates the sky.

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